The extra weight from your growing bump causes you to change how you hold your body. Therefore it is extremely common for women to experience back and neck pain after giving birth. Adjusting to your pre-baby posture, as well as changed sleep patterns whilst doing activities such as bending, picking up and holding your newborn all put extra strain on your recovering body.
It is vitally important to strengthen your adjusted and lazed muscles to support and comfort your back, as well as allowing you to make the most out of this time with your newborn. Common causes of back and neck pain after giving birth are:
- Poor posture
- Muscle laxity from pregnancy
- Muscle weakness or imbalance from pregnancy
- Muscle weakness or imbalance from giving birth
- Lack of sleep
My therapy treats post natal back and neck pain by addressing the root of the problem, removing the pain and allowing normality to be restored. The treatments involve no manipulation, are suitable for all ages, and can be carried out through light clothing if preferred by the client.
Clients generally notice a significant difference after their first treatment. It is not unusual for clients to be completely free of their problem after only two visits.